Instructions & Consent

This study studies human’s capability for multi-tasking. Specifically, you will be asked to memorize a series of faces while doing some visual search tasks. The study includes 6 experiment trials.

In each trial, a triad of faces will flash on the screen and then disappear. Your job is to remember these faces as accurate as possible. Next, you will be asked to perform a visual search task. Once you successfully passed the visual search task, you will be presented with a face for recognition. This face could be "old" - that is, one of the three faces you tried to memorize earlier; this face could also be "new" - that is, a new face that you have not seen before. If you believe this face is "old", press 1. If you believe this face is "new", press 2.

Before the 8 experimental trials, you will recieve 2 practice trials.

At all times, please provide your response to each task as quick as possible!

By clicking "I agree" you indicate that: you are at least 18 years of age and have normal vision, the research has been explained to you, and you freely and voluntarily choose to participate in this research project.